Women’s Health Week is fast approaching, from 5-11th September 2022.

To coincide with Women’s Health Week, Good Country Physiotherapy have two final year physiotherapy students currently on their health promotion placement from the University of South Australia.
Georgia Lovelock and Elise Weaver are completing a project on the ‘Barriers to Accessing Women’s Health Physiotherapy in the Limestone Coast’.
Women are subject to many health conditions throughout their life that can be managed by a Women’s Health physiotherapist. This includes but is not limited to pregnancy related pain, postnatal complications, pelvic floor dysfunction and incontinence.
Women’s health issues are highly prevalent and can have a large impact on quality of life and overall health.
However, the majority of women delay accessing treatment.
As part of an initial scoping for the project, the students have identified a range of potential barriers to accessing services, including not understanding the role of a Women’s Health Physiotherapist, not knowing where to access treatment, travel time, cost and thinking these issues are a normal part of ageing and/or pregnancy.

Now, they want to hear your thoughts! They have put up posters containing QR codes to a survey around the Limestone Coast. They would love to hear your thoughts, opinions and suggestions so as a community we can work to improve the access to Women’s Health services and the overall health of women in the Limestone Coast. Head to the link below for the general population survey: https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6PQEJAKLSybOosK
They also have a survey for health professionals. Please enquire at Good Country Physiotherapy if you would like to complete that survey.