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Good Country Physio

Christmas is over, now is time to get moving!

It is that time of year where we tell ourselves that we are going to go to the gym more, stretch every day or try to lose weight. We set ourselves new year resolutions, new goals to work towards. One goal that we should all aim for is to be more active; they do say that movement is medicine!

Did you know that the department of health recommends adults aged 18-64 complete 2.5-5 hours of moderate intensity physical activity or 1.25-2.5hours of vigorous activity each week? They also recommend children should complete at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity every day. That might seem like a lot, but for adults it is roughly 30 minutes a day of moderate intensity physical activity.

So how can we find our 30 minutes of physical activity every day?

It can be as simple as going for a morning walk with your dog (Naracoorte members check out our Find your 30 blog for local walking tracks), cycling to work, going for a walk at lunch, trying an online yoga or fitness video, taking the kids to the local pool or even washing your car.

If you are after some extra motivation or exercise inspiration, join our GCP summertime fitness challenge which includes exclusive access to videos and handouts.

Click Log In above, and sign up to receive access!



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