Bordertown |
Keith |
Kingston SE/Millicent |
08 8762 1515
08 8752 2330
08 8755 1530
08 8767 4600
Naomi Gill
MSc Rehabilitation (Physiotherapy Continence Care) APA, CFA
Women's Health & Continence Physiotherapist
Naomi is a Women’s Health and Continence Physiotherapist. She completed a Masters in Rehabilitation (Continence Care) in 2018 and has over 10 years of clinical experience within this field. She has been involved in research and has presented at national and international conferences (see accomplishments below).
Before moving to the Limestone Coast to establish the Women’s Health and Continence service at Good Country Physiotherapy she worked as the team leader of the woman’s health physiotherapy service of a large teaching hospital in the UK. She provided physiotherapy to pregnant and postnatal women, as well as within a continence service running bladder and bowel clinics.
Naomi has a caring approach to discussing sensitive health concerns and providing treatments for bladder, bowel and other pelvic floor conditions. Naomi treats men, woman and children.
Completed Masters in rehabilitation (Physiotherapy in continence care) at the University of Bradford UK
Awarded a distinction for research dissertation titled “Prevalence of urinary incontinence in netball players within rural SA”
Awarded the Barry Cahill travel scholarship for best scientific paper at the 26th National Conference on Incontinence Sydney.
Presented at the 2017 International Continence Society Meeting Florence.
Awarded a Bladder Foundation research grant 2015
Conditions that can be helped by a woman’s health and continence physiotherapist
Back pain
Pelvic pain
Wrist pain and carpal tunnel
Abdominal pain and weakness
Exercise in pregnancy
Pregnancy Massage
Pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation
Bladder and bowel incontinence
Abdominal muscle weakness and rehabilitation
Back pain
Carpal tunnel
Pelvic floor Dysfunctions / continence:
Bladder urgency
Bladder leakage
Nocturia (excessive night time voiding)
Pelvic pain
Bowel urgency
Bowel leakage
Chronic Constipation