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Emma Dredge and Anna Tan

How to Respond to a Fall

What to do if you fall:

1. Stay still and take a few moments to slow your breathing

2. Look for any hazards around you (broken glass, electrical cords) before you move

3. Decide if you will be able to get up

4. If you are not able to get up the first time, take a moment to rest before trying again

5. Seek medication attention if you are hurt by calling 000

For help:

Doctors- will be able to address any concerns you may have and refer to other health professionals

Physiotherapists- can help develop a treatment plan and discuss different ways to prevent falls

Be well prepared:

  • Prepare for a fall by keeping a well-charged cordless or mobile phone with you at all times and arrange for daily contact with a family member or friend.

  • Consider the use of emergency response systems – enables you to push a button on a special necklace so that you can attract attention quickly in an emergency.

How to get up off the floor if you are not badly injured:

1. Roll onto your side

2. Push through your arms onto the floor to sit up

3. Crawl to a sturdy piece of furniture (chair, stairs, rail)

4. From a kneeling position, put your arms onto the chair

5. Bring one knee forward and place your foot flat on the floor

6. Use your arms and your bent knee to push through and pivot to place your bottom on the chair safely

Community Resources: For more support

Falls prevention programs offered at Good Country Physiotherapy

Step Up Program:

  • Over 50’s exercise class

  • Initial 1:1 session with a Physiotherapist to address your specific goals and needs and receive an individualised exercise program.

  • Improve pain, strength, function (eg ability to perform daily tasks), and general fitness

  • Weekly small group class with low intensity exercises, 45 minutes duration

  • Cost can be claimed on private health insurance or other funding options available

  • Monthly education included as part of class on a topic specific to older adults

  • Classes run in Bordertown, Naracoorte and Keith

Strong on your Feet Program

  • Weekly classes over 8 weeks

  • Education sessions with a different topic each week

  • 45-minute exercise class

  • Cost of class can be claimed on private health insurance, or through other funding options

  • Classes run in Bordertown and Naracoorte

For more information- Speak to the Staff at Good Country Physiotherapy.

*This content was produced by Emma Dredge and Anna Tan from the University of South Australia as part of a Health Promotion in Physiotherapy Course. Facilitated by Angela Willsmore, Director of Good Country Physiotherapy.



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